My Story

Growing up, I always felt different from others, not better than, just different; more sensative, never quite feeling like I completely belonged. There were so many aspects to this life that felt foreign and hurtful. I felt an innate connection to nature, to the animal and plant kingdoms, and had a knowing that there was more to this life than what we were told.

At nine years old, while walking on my family’s land I had a sudden out of body experience. My view shifted, and instantly, I was seeing the earth from above, in complete wonderment of the miracle of being alive, deeply aware of a presence of love, and experiencing the earth’s beauty and interconnectedness. It was beyond words.

The next moment, I was back in my body, amazed at what had just happened. I never told anyone at the time, as I feared sounding crazy. For many, many years, I had that experience tucked away, and went back to living life as I thought I was supposesd to. Along the way, I would have experiences I couldn’t explain - a vision here, a strong experience of intuition there. Things I didn’t have a language for.

Then, almost fourteen years ago, I came across the phrase “walking in both worlds”. Something in me lit up. I didn’t understand exactly how, but I knew that phrase encompassed what I was here to do. So I began diving head first into learning anything and everything I could about the energetic and spiritual worlds. I couldn’t get enough, so strong was my desire to keep pulling the curtains back so to speak. This lead to my own healing journey, uncovering and clearing deep wounds, shame, lack patterns and unconscious programming that kept me small and afraid. The process was not always easy; truthfully, it became rather messy at times as can happen when what we need to heal rises to the surface. But it was necessary and worth it.

What I have learned along the was has been nothing short of miraculous. I am still and always will be learning. I have experienced more magical and mystical experiences that I can name. Things I knew somewhere in my heart were possible, yet I had to experience them firsthand to really trust.

And now, I absolutely love supporting others in their own journey of healing and remembrance. Because to me, that is what we are doing. Remembering. Remembering our wholeness, remembering that we are infinite and made of light, remembering that we are capable of so, so much more than we sometimes believe. When we allow ourselves to fully realign with our truth, our outer world begins to shift, and we experience more peace, joy, synchronicity, peace and prosperity. This is who are are innately.

It would be my honor to support your remembrance.

Much Love,
